Christy Walsh

"The day when Christy embraces the chaos is the day we're all doomed..."


   The tired mom of the group, responsible and hard to read, but soft as well. Her patience is stretched thin, and making it snap can cause you to experience her "I'll murder you" glare. She doesn't even have to say anything, her silence speaks volumes.

Images found on Pinterest

                                  Age: 30

                                  Height: 6'2"

                                  Echo: Long Shot

                                  MBTI: ENTJ or INTJ

                                  Voice Claim: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse)

                                   Voice Claim Accuracy: 7-10

Physical Appearance:

Tall and naturally skinny with pale skin, her family genetics give her issues with building fat. She has straight, thin black blue hair often pulled into a loose ponytail with side bangs she uses to hide her long forehead, how long will it take before she’s starts going prematurely grey? Can’t be too much longer now. She has a long straight nose with soft blue eyes and thin lips. She almost always wears black platforms, which can make her look a little too tall, and thin jeans that bag up on her feet, with u-neck shirts of different variations.


     Christy calls her Echo 'Long Shot,' It's a long ranged Echo in the combat category, so she is under contract to only use it for emergency, self defence, or on inorganic objects in a private area. She can charge up power through her arms and release it through the tips of her fingers (think of it like a laser gun, but with your own hands).

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain an additional power boost to range, and can transfer some of the power to one of her eyes, creating a scope and enhanced vision with which to use as a sniping tool. Her shadow marks are lines descending down the sides of her arms, her Echo color is sky blue.


*To Be Added*



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