Preston Skii


      Calm and laid back, which can sometimes make him seem lazy. He has great control over his emotions, which means if he snaps it's for good reason. He's a nature enthusiast who can go on long tangents if someone gives him a reason to, and is great at 
De-escalating a situation. 

Images found on Pinterest
                                   Age: 27

                                   Height: 6'3"

                                   Echo: Phazing

                                   MBTI: ENFP

                                   Voice Claim: Reki (dub) (Sk8 the Infinity)

                                   Voice Claim Accuracy: 8-10


      Preston calls his Echo 'Phazing,' It's an intermediate Echo in the transportation category. He is able to move parts of his body through solid objects, but has to be careful as he can only hold it for so long.

     When in the Split Dimension, he can gain an additional power boost to time length, and can transfer some of the power to others as long as they keep physical contact. His shadow marks are on the tips of the fingers, his Echo color is red.


*To Be Added*



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