Scarlet Frost

 OC made by Stitch


          Scarlet is unruly and has a "difficult personality," as some might put it. She somehow can't sit still for long during conversations or classes but can be perfectly still if messing with a fire, which most of the campers find slightly unpleasant. She considers herself artistic, and is calculative with a touch of creativity. Scarlet likes to mess with Claudette, as she tends to be the easiest to tick off, but seems to get along with Dani, which also ticks off Claudette, as Claudette considers Dani one of her closest friends. It's a win-win.

Images found on Pinterest
                                        Age: 18

                                        Height: 5’2”

                                        Echo: Memory Wipe

                                        Mbti: ENTJ

                                        Voice claim: Jinx (Arcane)

                                        Voice claim accuracy: 7-10


     Scarlet calls her Echo 'Memory Wipe,' It's an intermediate Echo in the mental category. She can wipe small memories, often producing that all too common feeling of “what was it I came in here for?” 
     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain an additional power boost to mental strength and ingenuity. She can create complete memory wipes so long as she portrays a certain amount of focus and strength. Her shadow mark is a ring around the head like a halo, her Echo color is reddish-orange.


*To Be Added*



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