


      Venus is a reckless Shadow Creature who gets through everything with brute force. She was a pathetic Silo, but once she obtained her first echo she became a force of nature, or, that’s what she says. Unlike her fellow companions she has a loud mouth, and doesn’t know when to shut up. She’s also not very smart, but she’ll never admit it. She is, however, amazing at cackling.

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                                   Age: 20-??

                                   Height: 8'5"

                                   Stage: Shade

                                   MBTI: ESTP

                                   Voice Claim: Cassandra Jones (Rise)

                                   Voice Claim Accuracy: 8-10

Physical Appearance:

Venus is short and bulky, being a Shadow creature, she is made almost entirely of inky black filaments and substance, with most parts of her being merged together to make a distinct silhouette. She has squinted light green eyes, and an oval face slicked back into tufts of black form, along with mandibles that could faintly resemble a Venus Fly Trap. Her body is slightly humanoid, but her claws stretch out into giant fists, where in a normal stance she might stand like a gorilla. Her feet stretch out into little stubs.

Outside of the Split Dimension, Venus’s form is reduced to that of a Venus Fly Trap, sort of incapacitating her, however she has enough stored power to shift herself into a human form with the help of a Tempt*.

In this human form, she is described as having short spiky black hair. She is 5’5” and sort of stalky, with umber skin and piercing poison green eyes containing a dab of mania. She is wearing a tight black suit with pants that puff out and leather sleeveless gloves. She gives a slight ninja vibe, which is ironic considering she is the opposite of stealthy, and looks a little out of place next to her goth-y looking companions.

Stage of Existence:

Venus has been wandering the Split Dimension for over 20 years, the exact time is unknown, but her producer may very well be alive. Through luck and freak accidents, she has gained the stage of Shade. 

Shades: the middle stages, having gained some of the power they crave, they have doubled in size and intellect, almost acting with a conscience. 30% of the Shadow Creature population will reach this stage.




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