


      Six is a Shadow creature of mysterious origins, no one knows how long he’s been around or now much he knows, even his natural height is unknown. He is cold and calculating, with many years of patience, and somehow got stuck with the command of Silk and Venus, to which if any of them has any brain cells, they all belong to him.

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                             Age: ???

                             Height: Prefered- 12'0" Original-???

                             Stage: Shadow

                             MBTI: ISTJ

                             Voice Claim: Forget Me Not (Reverse:1999)

                             Voice Claim Accuracy: 7-10

Physical Appearance:

Six is tall and slim, and being a Shadow creature, he is made almost entirely of inky black filaments and substance, with most parts of his being merged together to make a distinct silhouette. He has squinted red eyes that give him an intense stare, and a very human looking silhouette, with a pointed face and a black mass almost looking like short waves of tousled hair. He has six arms protruding out of his frame with disconnected joints, and a mass of shadow on his torso that almost looks like a vest. His feet stretch out into tips.

Outside of the Split Dimension, Six’s form is reduced to that of a black Spider, however he has more then enough stored power to shift himself into a human form with the help of a Tempt* he can obtain.

In his human form, he is described as having very angular and pointed features, with tired looking hunter eyes and slightly greasy tousled jet black hair. His skin is so pale he may as well be paper white, which is a very stark contrast to his outfit of a black buttoned vest with a puff sleeved black blouse underneath and black cuffed pants, mmmh, yes, black. Is he a vampire? No, does he look like he’s cosplaying one? Yes, and his umbrella doesn’t help his case.

Stage of Existence:

       It is unknown how long Six has been around, or what the limits to his power is, only that his producer has been long dead, and that he has gone through many years of preying on Echoes, giving him the stage of Shadow.

Shadows: the highest stage known, they are quadrupled in size, however they can change size at will, and contain a complete consciousness and intellect. 10% of the Shadow Creature’s population will reach this stage.


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