


       Siren is an anti social Shadow Creature who hides away in her cave, she doesn’t hunt for Echoes, she makes them come to her. She’s controlling and conniving, and much prefers to make herself look as innocent and dumb as possible before striking. No one knows how long she’s been wandering the Split Dimension, and she rarely brings out her true height.

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                                    Age: ???

                                    Height: Prefered- 3'0" Original-???

                                    Stage: Silo Shadow

                                    MBTI: INTP

                                    Voice Claim:

                                    Voice Claim Accuracy:

Physical Appearance:

Siren is very small and petite, and being a Shadow creature, she is made almost entirely of inky black filaments and substance, with most parts of her being merged together to make a distinct silhouette. She has wide blue eyes that give her an innocent look, and a very human looking silhouette, with a round face and a black mass twisting around her frame like a bob hair cut. She has a very small body that flows down like she’s wearing a short dress with a small train ruffling into what faintly resembles beetle wings, she has small arms with claws and legs that stretch down into pointed feet.

Outside of the Split Dimension, Siren’s form is reduced to that of a blue beetle.

Stage of Existence:

       It is unknown how long Siren has been around, or what the limits to her power is, only that her producer has been long dead, and that she has gone through many years of preying on Echoes; this gives her the stage of Shadow, but she often will disguise herself to that of a Silo. 

Silhouettes (Silos): the basic stages of the creatures, they have no human intellect, and act completely as prey or predator. 60% of population are Silos.

Shadows: the highest stage known, they are quadrupled in size, however they can change size at will, and contain a complete consciousness and intellect. 10% of the Shadow Creature’s population will reach this stage.


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