


S is a charismatic and intelligent Shadow Creature who long went bored with the daily trials of the Split Dimension. She has known Six since they were both created, and generally enjoys being a thorn in his side. She’s very picky with her Echo choices, she likes giving people nicknames.

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                                    Age: ???

                                    Height: Preferred: 12'10" Original: ???

                                    Stage: Shadow Shade

                                    MBTI: ESTJ

                                    Voice Claim: Magica De Spell (Ducktales)

                                    Voice Claim Accuracy: 9-10

Physical Appearance:

S is very tall and dignified, and being a Shadow creature, she is made almost entirely of inky black filaments and substance, with most parts of her being merged together to make a distinct silhouette. She has wide magenta eyes, and a very bird like silhouette, with a pointed face forming what could be a beak tip, and a black mass swiping down and forward around her frame like a pointed bob hair cut. She has a very slim frame covered with jet black wings draping down like a cloak, completely enveloping her body. If she were to move these wings, you would find giant black talons.

Outside of the Split Dimension, S’s form is reduced to that of a Raven.

Stage of Existence:

It is unknown how long S has wandered the Split Dimension, but her producer is long dead. Due to her picky nature, S has purposely strayed away from Echoes that could have given her the final stage, so while she has used several means* to enhance her height and intelligence, she is still the stage of Shade. 

Shades: the middle stages, having gained some of the power they crave, they have doubled in size and intellect, almost acting with a conscience. 30% of the Shadow Creature population will reach this stage.


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