Penelope Bissonette



         A dramatic and vain girl who mainly went to the Camp for bragging rights. Penelope is very extroverted and expressive, she’s a theatre kid through and through, and doesn’t seem to process when something she does might be considered ‘embarrassing.’ She’s very feminine, and spends as little time in the camp as possible. 

Images found on Pinterest
                                     Age: 19

                                     Height: 5’7”

                                     Echo: Luminescence

                                     MBTI: ESTP

                                     Voice Claim:

                                     Voice Claim Accuracy:


      Penelope calls her Echo 'Luminescence,' It's an intermediate Echo in the Physical category. She is able to emit light from her body in different percentages, but never goes to 100% as she burned up the one time she did. She normally just uses it at 5% to make herself look a little ~glowy~.

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain a power boost to ingenuity and power, able to shift her Echo to the Transportation category by dissolving into light particles for small periods of time. Her shadow mark are small sparkles over her nose like freckles, her Echo color is undetermined.


*To Be Added*



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