Ms. Samuels



        An animal lover with a charismatic personality, she's loud and quite suspicious, often popping in on people at the most random times. She lets others choose what they want to do, but otherwise likes things done her own way, and won't tolerate if her schedule is interrupted.

Images found on Pinterest

                               Height: 5'9"

                               Echo: ???

                               MBTI: ESTJ

                               Voice Claim: Sally Starlet (Welcome Home)

                               Voice Claim Accuracy: 7-10


        It is unknown what Ms. Samuels’ Echo is as it is not in any files, however she has been seen to speak to several animals, bringing up the question on if she can understand them somehow with an Echo in the Mental category. Her shadow marks are █████████, her Echo color is fuchsia(?)


*to be added*


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