Joshua Blyke



         He has a very small social battery, but always gets dragged around by his extrovert friends. He can be pretty stubborn unless he's promised something, and has a very short fuse. He's often a teasing magnet because of his very obvious reactions, and will hold a grudge about it. He also hates when his first name is used.

Images found on Pinterest
                               Age: 18

                               Height: 5'4"

                               Echo: Lightning

                               MBTI: INTP

                               Voice Claim: Raph (Tmnt 2012)

                               Voice Claim Accuracy: 6-10


         Blyke calls his Echo 'Lightning' (very creative, right?). It's a long ranged Echo in the combat category, so he is under contract to only use it for emergency, self defence, or on inorganic objects in a private area. He can charge up electricity through his body and send out large shock waves (even under contract, he sometimes gives out a little zap here and there when he gets angry).

     When in the Split Dimension, he can gain an additional power boost to range and power, and can creat large currents of electricity similar to lightning. His shadow marks are zigzag patterns on his finger tips, his Echo color is electric blue.


*to be added*


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