Jack Golding

 OC made by Stitch


        Your favorite artistic hoarder. No wait, I meant “collector.” Jack is an observant and cluttered boy with unnaturally good memory, but don’t let his unholy amount of random junk make you think he thrives in chaos. He’s actually very averted to change, and enjoys controlled chaos, he also might cry if any of his collectibles are lost, he’s just sentimental like that.

Images found on Pinterest
                                         Age: 18

                                         Height: 5’3”

                                         Echo: Teleportation (Unnamed by Jack)

                                         MBTI: ISFP

                                         Voice claim: Leo (Rise Tmnt)

                                         Voice Claim Accuracy: 8-10


         Jack calls his Echo ‘Trinket Transportation,’ it's a long ranged Echo in the transportation category. He can teleport inanimate objects as long as they are small and lightweight, where he can teleport them depends on his memory. 

When in the Split Dimension, he can gain an additional power boost to time length, and can teleport at most two people as long has he is holding their hands, the further he teleports, the longer the cool down. He can teleport any distance so long as he knows where he’s going. His shadow mark is a big swirl on the face area, his Echo color is bright blue.


*To Be Added*



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