Elizabeth ‘Lizzy’ Becker



       A bold girl with a craving for trouble, she's manipulative and very bossy, often hanging out with those who 'don't quite care what they do,' so that she can pick the activities. She hides her insecurities with her loud mouth and doesn't like being alone, however she prefers boy company over girls.

Images found on Pinterest
                                   Age: 18

                                   Height: 5'8”

                                   Echo: Energy Boost

                                   MBTI: ENTJ

                                   Voice Claim: Sunset Shimmer (Mlp)

                                   Voice Claim Accuracy: 7-10


       Lizzy calls her Echo 'Energy Boost,' It's a long ranged Echo in the combat category, so she is under contract to only use it for emergency, self defence, or on inorganic objects in a private area. She can charge up power through her arms and form rings on her palms, she can use it to blast things with great force, but because she is under contract not to use it, she uses it instead to blast onto the ground to boost her up to specific heights.

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain an additional power boost to range, and can transfer some of the power to create balls of energy, making projectiles. Her shadow marks are starburst patterns across the tops of her hands, her Echo color is teal.


Lizzy in a clothes swap



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