Claudette Fairley

 OC made by Stitch


         Claudette is a wealthy teen who showcases a "cottage/fairy core" outfit style. She offers up a cutesy and sweet appearance to those she finds appealing or entertaining, However if she dislikes Someone, all they'll hear from her is a whole lot of disagreement and attitude. Claudette considers herself a poet and likes to study famous poetry To further improve her own, along with that she likes routines and "romanticizing" life.

Images found on Pinterest
                                        Age: 18

                                        Height: 5’5”

                                        Echo: Vortex

                                        MBTI: ESTJ or ENTJ

                                        Voice claim: Bon Bon (Mlp, S5 E9)

                                        Voice claim accuracy: 9-10


     Claudette calls her Echo 'Vortex,' It's a short ranged Echo in the ______ category. She can manipulate the wind around her body as if she has a small bubble around her.

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain an additional power boost to ingenuity and range, and can suck up the atmosphere around her to create balls of compressed air. Her shadow marks are swirls wrapping around each arm and leg, her Echo color is light purple.


*To Be Added*



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