Beau Newland



        Extroverted but sensitive, he has a surprisingly commanding voice and is quite persuasive when he wants to be, normally taking charge of the other campers when needed. He's awkward in normal conversation, and has a hard time 'letting loose' due to his responsible yet anxious nature.

Images found on Pinterest
                               Age: 18

                               Height: 5'4"

                               Echo: Premonition

                               MBTI: ENFJ

                               Voice Claim:

                               Voice Claim Accuracy:


         Beau calls his Echo 'Premonition,' It's an intermediate Echo in the mental category. He will get a large feeling of foreboding when something is about to happen, some wouldn’t have even considered it an echo if his markings didn’t appear whenever he felt it, though it can get quite annoying when it happens for simple matters.

     When in the Split Dimension he can gain an additional power boost to mental acuity and power, giving him flashes and imagery along with the shiver down his spin, however too much can cause him to go into a short state of mental and physical paralysis. His shadow marks are spirals on his hands, his Echo color is undetermined (some colors shift).


*to be added*


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