Louis Swan

"Me? I'm friends with everyone! Now including you, new friend!"


    The classic 'rich girl' in the group. She over-packs everything and loves clothes. She has a very artistic and creative mind, and loves physical touch. She's a sappy romantic and kind of scatterbrained, and somehow manages to 'adopt' both introverts and extroverts.

Images found on Pinterest
                                   Age: 18

                                   Height: 6'0"

                                   Echo: String Connection

                                   MBTI: ESFJ or ESFP

                                   Voice Claim: _______

                                   Voice Claim Accuracy: ____


     Louis calls her Echo 'String Connection,' It's a medium ranged Echo in the transportation category. She can create string by touching the tips of her fingers together, the more she does at one time, the lower the range, but she mostly uses it to make string figures anyway.

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain a massive power boost to range, and another boost to her reflexes. Her shadow mark is a web heart on the chest, her Echo color is magenta.


*To Be Added*



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