Coby Walsh


        Introverted and maybe a TAD bit anti social. He prefers to be by himself most of the time but still appreciates when someone feels the need to keep him company. He's very observant and blunt, not always realizing when he says something rude or unnecessary, but is quick to apologize when it's pointed out to him.

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                                      Age: 19

                                      Height: 5'9"

                                      Echo: Micro Portal

                                      MBTI: ISTP or ISFP

                                      Voice Claim: _________

                                      Voice Claim Accuracy: ____

Physical Appearance:

Coby is of average height and pale, but genetics make him very thin, like his cousin he finds it hard to build fat. He has short raven black hair with bangs, thin lips and upturned light blue eyes that can give him a slightly intense appearance, he has a small mole behind his left ear. He often wears blacks and purples, his favorite being a short sleeved purple hoodie of his, along with thin leggings and black vans.


         Coby calls his Echo 'Micro Portal,' it's a short ranged Echo in the transportation category. He can charge up small portals to reach close objects about two arm's lengths away.

          When in the Split Dimension, he can gain an additional power boost for range, with an additional boost of memory, allowing him to open portals to places he can't necessarily see. His shadow marks are two circles around each wrist, his Echo color is purple.


*To Be Added*



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