Ashley Brunton



         Dubbed the 'Camp Menace,' Ashley is an extroverted girl who always lives on the edge. She's charming and loud-mouthed, but definitely an adrenaline junky who believes in spontaneity, and this has made her an expert with bandaging wounds. She's also a drama lover, which means you'll get no help from her when it comes to stopping an argument.

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                                      Age: 24

                                      Height: 5'1"

                                      Echo: Far Hearing

                                      MBTI: ESTP

                                      Voice Claim: _________

                                      Voice Claim Accuracy: ____


      Ashley calls her Echo 'Far Hearing,' It's an intermediate Echo in the Physical category. She is able to summon wolf ears that act as a hearing boost, giving her a long range and sensitivity to sounds.

     When in the Split Dimension, she can gain a massive power boost to strength and ingenuity, able to shift her Echo to the combat category by forming claws and other such wolf attributes. Her shadow marks are arrows on her face, her Echo color is green.





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